Milk for the Safe House
With our bigger safe house and more girls coming in, Mission With A Vision is working on ways to raise income locally. We are starting with dairy cows. MWV has received a promise of one…
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With our bigger safe house and more girls coming in, Mission With A Vision is working on ways to raise income locally. We are starting with dairy cows. MWV has received a promise of one…
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The House of Hope is officially open! There was an opening ceremony and celebration for the new facility.
In June, Mission with a Vision will celebrate our 17th year and we are just now starting to see the “fruits” of our labor as our girls begin to enter the workplace. Perhaps it is…
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After three months of hard work the girls have finally moved into the new Safehouse. We are so grateful to those who have donated to make this possible. Thanks to all of you.
A major goal of our program is to reconcile our girls with their families. In 2013, we reconciled six girls, our highest number for a given year to date. To accomplish the reconciliation, we work…
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Joyce Namunyak, who is on a student exchange program in the US, won a student essay contest and will attend a 1 week workshop in Washington, DC. She will join students from all over the…
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It is with great joy that we announce the completion of the new Safehouse which we have named, The House of Hope. We have furnished the living room, the library and the administrator’s office and…
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CONGRATULATIONS!! Catherine Chepkoech, who graduated from medical school in February and thanks to OFDC for supporting her. Rachael Kool, a recent graduate has been employed as a high school teacher in Narok.
Graduation: Two more of our girls have graduated from college in December; Ann graduated with a diploma in Food and Beverage and Alice graduated with a diploma in Education. Congratulations to both and a huge…
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Christmas Donations: Thanks so much for all those who have donated to the Safehouse this December. A special thanks to Soropromist International.