
Who We Are

Over the past decade, Mission With A Vision has helped nearly 1,100 Kenyan girls seeking escape female genital mutilation (FGM) and childhood marriage. With few resources, but with an unreserved commitment to the well-being of children, Mission staff work tirelessly — frequently at great personal risk — to protect and educate local youngsters. First founded in 1997, the Mission provides a safe house for teenage girls as well as educational scholarships. Whenever possible, efforts are also made to work with community elders to seek reconciliation with the girls’ families, a delicate task that frequently requires months of negotiation and counseling.

Over the next three years, the Mission plans to double the number of girls that it serves to an average of 250 per year. It also intends to expand its advocacy work to change local thinking through educational and communications programs that target family members, community and religious leaders, and those most affected by the issue: teenage girls and boys. The objective is to systematically change public perception and create the conditions in which FGM and childhood marriage are not just illegal, but are also socially unacceptable.

Mission With A Vision is a non-religious, non-political non-profit registered as an NGO in the Republic of Kenya.