
Dairy Cows Project

The dairy cows

The dairy cows

Thanks to some of our friends from New York and Halifax, UK, the safe house was able to initiate a dairy cow project in March, this year. Using generous donations from Judith Bousefield, Genell S. Sharp, and Joss Barcia, the Enkishon Farm was able to buy two big dairy cows, a calf, and build a cow shed within the farm. We are also grateful for Dr. Herbert’s assistance in helping us source for funds for the project over years.

We hope to generate 20-30 liters of milk every day for use in the Safe House. Any excess produce may be sold to ensure further self-sustainability of the Safe House. The dairy cows are attended to by qualified veterinary doctors at least once every two months, or whenever necessary. Additionally, food for the dairy cows is grown on the farm.